Master’s degree curriculum (2-year program), level 4, according to the 2015 Thai Qualifications Framework for Higher Education (TQF:HEd)
Title of the Program
- Thai : หลักสูตรวิทยาศาสตรมหาบัณฑิต สาขาวิชาการจัดการภัยพิบัติ (หลักสูตรนานาชาติ)
- English : Master of Science Program in Disaster Management (International Program)
Title of the Degree
- Full Title (Thai) : วิทยาศาสตรมหาบัณฑิต (การจัดการภัยพิบัติ)
- Abbreviated Title (Thai) : วท.ม. (การจัดการภัยพิบัติ)
- Full Title (English) : Master of Science (Disaster Management)
- Abbreviated Title (English) : M.S. (Disaster Management)
Curriculum Type
The curriculum development process focuses on enhancing students’ knowledge, skills and abilities in Disaster Management including disaster preparedness, response and recovery, development of science and technology in disaster management. The theses and research work will also focus on science and technology related to disaster management applications in international, regional, national and local communities. In addition, the curriculum also emphasises foreign language proficiency and the ability to employ technology for professional communication as well as for continual search for knowledge.
Curriculum Status and Curriculum Approval
- This is a revised curriculum, starts in the First Semester of the Academic Year
2020. - This is a revised curriculum B.E. 2020. This curriculum is revised from Master of
Science Program in Disaster Management (International Program) B.E. 2015. - The Academic Committee approved the curriculum in the …
- The Academic Council approved the curriculum in the …
- The University Council approved the curriculum in the …